The dynamics of classical robotic systems are usually described by ordinary differential equations via selecting a minimum set of independent generalized coordinates. However, different parameterizations and the use of a nonminimum set of (dependent) generalized coordinates can be advantageous in such cases when the modeled device contains closed kinematic loops and/or it has a complex structure. On one hand, the use of dependent coordinates, like natural coordinates, leads to a different mathematical representation where the equations of motion are given in the form of differential algebraic equations. On the other hand, the control design of underactuated robots usually relies on partial feedback linearization based techniques which are exclusively developed for systems modeled by independent coordinates. In this paper, we propose a different control algorithm formulated by using dependent coordinates. The applied computed torque controller is realized via introducing actuator constraints that complement the kinematic constraints which are used to describe the dynamics of the investigated service robotic system in relatively simple and compact form. The proposed controller is applied to the computed torque control of the planar model of the ACROBOTER service robot. The stability analysis of the digitally controlled underactuated service robot is provided as a real parameter case study for selecting the optimal control gains.
Imm Ivonne Lammerts,et al.
Adaptive computed reference computed torque control of flexible manipulators
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Dynamics modeling and simulation of constrained robotic systems
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Improved DAE formulation for inverse dynamics simulation of cranes
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Modeling of underactuated mechanical systems in partly specified motion
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Linearizing the Equations of Motion for Multibody Systems Using an Orthogonal Complement Method
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ACROBOTER: a ceiling based crawling, hoisting and swinging service robot platform
J. Baumgarte.
Stabilization of constraints and integrals of motion in dynamical systems
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A Geometric Approach to Solving Problems of Control Constraints: Theory and a DAE Framework