The Albedo of the Ground and Atmosphere
Measurements of the upward and downward components of solar radiation were measured from a B-29 airplane on March 22, 1947. From these the albedo of the ground has been calculated. In the center of the country along the 39th parallel of latitude, the albedo of the ground, except when covered in part by snow, was found to be between .07 and .10. As the Western Mountains were approached, the albedo increased to .12. In the mountains, where the color of the terrain varies rapidly, the albedo reached a high value of .23, and averaged about .17. For terrain which was partially snow-covered the highest albedo measured was .29. Computations were made which showed the absorption of solar radiation to be about .06 ly/min in a unit column reaching from the ground to 10,000 feet which by itself would cause a temperature rise of .05C°/hr. in a cloudless smoky atmosphere.