Let <i>R</i> := <i>K</i>[<i>x</i><sub>1</sub>,...,<i>x<sub>n</sub></i>] be a polynomial ring over an infinite field <i>K</i>, and let <i>I</i> ⊂ <i>R</i> be a homogeneous ideal with respect to a weight vector ω = (ω<sub>1</sub>, ..., ω<sub><i>n</i></sub>) ∈ (Z<sup>+</sup>)<sup><i>n</i></sup> such that dim(<i>R/I</i>) = <i>d.</i> We consider the minimal graded free resolution of <i>R/I</i> as <i>A</i>-module, that we call the Noether resolution of <i>R/I</i>, whenever <i>A</i> := <i>K</i>[<i>x</i><sub><i>n-d</i>+1</sub>,...,<i>x<sub>n</sub></i>] is a Noether normalization of <i>R/I.</i> When <i>d</i> = 2 and <i>I</i> is saturated, we give an algorithm for obtaining this resolution that involves the computation of a minimal Gröbner basis of <i>I</i> with respect to the weighted degree reverse lexicographic order. In the particular case when <i>R/I</i> is a 2-dimensional semigroup ring, we also describe the multigraded version of this resolution in terms of the underlying semigroup. Whenever we have the Noether resolution of <i>R/I</i> or its multigraded version, we obtain formulas for the corresponding Hilbert series of <i>R/I</i>, and when <i>I</i> is homogeneous, we obtain a formula for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of <i>R/I.</i>
As an application of the results for 2-dimensional semigroup rings, we provide a new upper bound for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the coordinate ring of a projective monomial curve. Finally, we describe the multigraded Noether resolution of either the coordinate ring of a projective monomial curve [EQUATION] associated to an arithmetic sequence or of any of its canonical projections [EQUATION].
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On projective monomial curves associated to generalized arithmetic sequences
Isabel Bermejo,et al.
Algebraic invariants of projective monomial curves associated to generalized arithmetic sequences
J. Symb. Comput..
S. L'vovsky,et al.
On inflection points, monomial curves, and hypersurfaces containing projective curves
Robert Lazarsfeld,et al.
On a theorem of Castelnuovo, and the equations defining space curves
Philippe Gimenez,et al.
Computing the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of some subschemes of PKn using quotients of monomial ideals
Isabel Bermejo,et al.
Noether resolutions in dimension 2
李幼升,et al.
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.
Michael Stillman,et al.
A criterion for detectingm-regularity
S. Molinelli,et al.
On the Hilbert function of certain rings of monomial curves
atisehe Annalen,et al.
On inflection points , monomial curves , and hypersurfaces containing projective curves *
Philippe Gimenez,et al.
Saturation and Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity