Multiple actors development of videoconferencing environments
planificación temporal y unos resultados finales del proyecto. Overview Several applications offer high-definition videoconference over Internet. These applications are designed for a better performance transmitting high bit rate multimedia data, leaving in a secondary plane other important aspects as the manage of establishment, finalization of the sessions, acceptation or rejection of the invitation, subscription and notification of presence service (new users connected, change of status, …) The aim of the project is to realize a client for high-definition videoconference based on Web. We use SIP as videoconferences signalling protocol (establish, finalize), for managing the contact list, presence and multimedia capabilities negotiation. Developed application allows that, a user from a web can see all connected users to the service, can consult their characteristics and can be able to establish videoconferences, using videoconference environment negotiated (as example DVTS or Ultragrid). The application acts as a HTTP-SIP gateway, translating SIP requests to HTTP requests and vice versa. HTTP requests are sent to client in order that client handles it changing view or modifying data model. The user interface has been developed with Google Web Toolkit, a toolkit of Google for developing AJAX applications in Java language. Server-code must communicate with three modules. Communication with SIP world for videoconference signalling, communication with the presence agent to manage the contact list information and communication with AJAX client for notifications to application users. This report explains the phases of definition of requirements, design and architecture. In addition, it is explained state-of-art of the technologies and some implementation details. Finally expose planning and final results of the project.
[1] Mark Handley,et al. SIP: Session Initiation Protocol , 1999, RFC.