Pressure Fluctuation Induced by Propeller Sheet Cavitation with Consideration of the Near Field Effect

AbstractA theoretical study on the pressure fluctuation induced by a propeller was carried out in this study. The main objective of this study is to analyze the source mechanism of the pressure fluctuation induced by propeller sheet cavitation. To analyze the pressure fluctuation induced by propeller sheet cavitation, modern acous tic theory was applied. Governing equation of pressure fluctuation induced by sheet cavitation was derived using Ffowcs Williams proposed time domain acoustic approaches. Sever al factors affecting pressure fluctuation were analyzed based on the derived governi ng equation. Pressure fluctuation result was represented by combined results of the f ar field term and near field term. Finally, the physical mechanism of pressure fluctuation at the blade rate frequency was analyzed using numerically generated cavitation volume vari ation. ※Keywords: Pressure fluctuation(변동 압력), Sheet cavitation(얇은 층 공 동), Time domain analysis(시간 영역 해석), Near field effect(근접장 효과), Propeller(추진기)접수일:2008년 10월 13일, 승인일: 2009년 2월 26일✝교신저자:, 042-868-7695