Distance and Organization in Multifunction Displays

One approach to organizing information in a multifunction display (MFD) is to place related screens of information closer to each other. This study identified three metrics that could be used to operationalize the concept of distance in an MFD. The proposed distance metrics--navigational (the number of choice points lying between two screens), organizational (the hierarchical structure of the data base), and cognitive (the user's perception of relationships among screens)--were empirically examined by using a simulated, hierarchically arranged, menu-driven MFD in an aviation context. Subjects engaged in two tasks that required them to access different target screens from various starting screens in a 290-screen MFD. The tasks differed in the navigational mechanisms subjects were allowed to use to navigate around the MFD and the relationships between the starting and target screens. The results suggest that the three distance metrics are meaningful within the context of a multifunction display.