Digital Design of a Surgical Simulator for Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

We present the design of a simulator for a prototype interventionalmagnetic resonance imaging scanner. This MRI scanner isintegrated with an operating theater, enabling new techniques inminimally invasive surgery. The simulator is designed with athreefold purpose: (1) to provide a rehearsal apparatus forpracticing and modifying conventional procedures for use in themagnetic environment, (2) to serve as a visualization workstationfor procedure planning and previewing as well as a post-operativereview, and (3) to form the foundation of a laboratory workbenchfor the development of new surgical tools and procedures forminimally invasive surgery. The simulator incorporates pre-operativedata, either MRI or CT exams, as well as data fromcommercial surgical planning systems. Dynamic control of thesimulation and interactive display of preoperative data in lieu ofintra-operative data is handled via an opto-electronic trackingsystem. The resulting system is contributing insights into how bestto perform visualization for this new surgical environment.