Computational fluid dynamics simulation and wind tunnel testing on microlight model

This paper aims to highlight the wind tunnel testing techniques and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies on a scaled-down microlight model for its aerodynamic characteristics. The wind tunnel testing is conducted at a grace of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – Open Loop Subsonic Tunnel facility with variations of angle of attack and flaps deflection angle. Wind tunnel corrections, such as ‘blockage’ effects, are considered during data reduction process in order to have results that will be almost precisely the same as in actual flight. In additional, the CFD simulation will be carried out using the software Fluent 6.1 on the model. Comparison of these two methods later depicts that the result obtained from the wind tunnel testing is agreeable with the result simulated by the CFD. Key Words: Wind tunnel testing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Microlight