Improved Estimates of the National Income and Product Accounts for 1959-98 Results of the Comprehensive Revision

Annual Current-Dollar Measures 18 National income and product 19 GDP... 19 Gross domestic income and the statistical discrepancy 19 Product-side components 19 PCE for goods 19 PCE for services 20 Nonresidential structures 21 Equipment and software 22 Residential fixed investment 22 Change in private inventories 22 Net exports of goods and services 22 Government consumption expenditures and gross investment.. 22 Income-side components 23 Compensation of employees 23 Proprietors' income with inventory valuation adjustment (IVA) and capital consumption adjustment (ccAdj) 24 Rental income of persons with ccAdj 24 Corporate profits with IVA and ccAdj 25 Net interest 25 Nonfactor incomes 26 Consumption of fixed capital (CFC) 26 Personal income and its disposition 26 Government current receipts and expenditures 29 Federal Government 29 State and local government 30 Foreign transactions 30 Gross saving and investment 31