Philosophy of Education in a new South Africa

In the last few years many changes have taken place in South Afrrca. The creation of a nonracial. non-sexist. democratic South Africa presents a challenge to everybody in the country. The heterogeneous population structure. with a plurality of Value systems. makes teacher educacation and training very qomplex. Teachers are significant change agents in a diverse society. such as South Africa. Teachers need to learn to accommodate different value systems and to place them within a framework of common human values. to educate their own students to respect differences. whilst recognising similarities. South Africa needs an open. critical education philosophy which encourages enquiry. discussion. debate and Iffelong leaming. Philosophy of Education has tha imports'nt role of providing perspective in a complex, demanding world. By critically studying different metatheories. as well 8S several education theo es and by being exposed to divergent ways of thinking, students might be better prepared to accommodate children from different cultures and backgrounds in the practical classroom situation.