Real-Time Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of Multi-Terminal HVDC–AC Grids Based on GPU

High-fidelity electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation plays a critical role in understanding the dynamic behavior and fast transients involved in operation, control, and protection of Multi-Terminal dc (MTdc) grids. This paper proposes a cost-effective high-performance real-time EMT simulation platform for large-scale cross-continental MTdc grids based on graphics processing unit (GPU). The proposed simulation platform: i) assembles detailed EMT models of all components within an MTdc-ac grid into a single platform. This setup provides a complete simulation solution to capture fast transient signals required for high-bandwidth controller design and protection studies without any compromise; ii) implements the first GPU-based simulation architecture and corresponding algorithms for MTdc-ac grids with real-time performance at scales of 1s; iii) is highly-efficient and balances the high utilization of GPU resources and low latency required for the simulation; and iv) outperforms the existing central processing unit (CPU)- or digital signal processor (DSP)/field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based simulators in terms of its higher scalability on large-scale MTdc-ac grids and superior price-performance ratio on the hardware. Accuracy and performance of the proposed platform are evaluated with respect to the reference results from PSCAD/EMTDC environment.