지체장애인을 위한 경기용 핸드사이클 개발과 사용성 평가에 대한 연구

The background and objectives of this research are as follows. Since racing hand cycles for people with disability are all imported products, localization is positively necessary for improving athletic performances. Therefore, a racing hand cycle considering the usability and body types of domestic players has been developed and a comparative usability assessment were proceeded with first prototype and two imported goods athletes currently use. The purpose of this study was to proceed comparative usability assessment with products to improve usability, and apply the deducted improvement points and recommendations from the results to develop a racing hand cycle. A comparative usability test was conducted with one domestically developed racing hand cycle prototype and two mostly used imported hand cycles. Total four hand cycle club players participated in this comparative usability test and same protocols and scenarios were applied to the participants. The comparative usability test included Effectiveness which measures the error count, Efficiency which measures duration time, and Satisfaction of the users. All of these factors were quantitatively evaluated. Among three products, domestically developed hand cycle prototype indicated second high scores in Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Satisfaction. Especially in Satisfaction domain, the score difference was less than 0.2. As a result of the comparative usability test among three products, domestically developed hand cycle showed second high usability. Through this research, it will be an opportunity to propose a methodology and usability assessment guide for the development of disabled sports equipment. And future studies should be conducted with usability and performance evaluation.