대퇴절단 환자의 최적보행적응 제어를 위한 지면반발력 기반 평지 및 경사로의 판별에 관한 연구

This study focused on normal force based on the inclination of the surface. To experiment a similar system to a patient with an amputation below the femoral region, we built an artificial leg as a replacement. The center of mass moves as a person walks on a flat ground to inclined one so we used strain gauge to measure normal force of both situation simultaneously. We have used 70kg and 80kg for the test and we discovered 25% potential difference when walking upward and 30.5% when walking downward. With the data, you will be able to see the changes of angle and with that, we provide you the best joint angle for every possible situation. Currently we are about to overcome the defects of artificial leg as well.