Reviews and perspectives Experimental remission of unilateral spatial neglect
[1] P. Bartolomeo,et al. Left unilateral neglect as a disconnection syndrome. , 2007, Cerebral cortex.
[2] Biyu J. He,et al. Breakdown of Functional Connectivity in Frontoparietal Networks Underlies Behavioral Deficits in Spatial Neglect , 2007, Neuron.
[3] John C. Rothwell,et al. Effects of rTMS Conditioning over the Fronto-parietal Network on Motor versus Visual Attention , 2007, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
[4] Y. Rossetti,et al. Prism adaptation to optical deviation alleviates pathologic pain , 2007, Neurology.
[5] J. Danckert,et al. Prism adaptation reduces the disengage deficit in right brain damage patients , 2007, Neuroreport.
[6] E. Làdavas,et al. Mechanisms underlying neglect recovery after prism adaptation , 2006, Neuropsychologia.
[7] G. Vallar,et al. Productive and Optic Prism Exposureproductive and Defective Impairments in the Neglect Syndrome: Graphic Perseveration, Drawing Productions and Optic Prism Exposure , 2006, Cortex.
[8] Gordon M. Redding,et al. Prism adaptation and unilateral neglect: Review and analysis , 2006, Neuropsychologia.
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[10] E. Bisiach,et al. Improving Neglect by TMS , 2006, Behavioural neurology.
[11] Paolo Bartolomeo,et al. A parietofrontal network for spatial awareness in the right hemisphere of the human brain. , 2006, Archives of neurology.
[12] Y. Rossetti,et al. Functional anatomy of the therapeutic effects of prism adaptation on left neglect , 2006, Neurology.
[13] Parashkev Nachev,et al. Space re-exploration in hemispatial neglect , 2006, Neuroreport.
[14] Thomas Brandt,et al. Direction‐dependent visual cortex activation during horizontal optokinetic stimulation (fMRI study) , 2006, Human brain mapping.
[15] Marianne Dieterich,et al. Spatial neglect--a vestibular disorder? , 2006, Brain : a journal of neurology.
[16] B. Payne,et al. Low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation on the posterior parietal cortex induces visuotopically specific neglect-like syndrome , 2006, Experimental Brain Research.
[17] F Fazio,et al. Left caloric vestibular stimulation ameliorates right hemianesthesia , 2005, Neurology.
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[20] S. Ferber,et al. Are perceptual judgments dissociated from motor processes?--A prism adaptation study. , 2005, Brain research. Cognitive brain research.
[21] Jon Driver,et al. Revisiting Previously Searched Locations in Visual Neglect: Role of Right Parietal and Frontal Lesions in Misjudging Old Locations as New , 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
[22] Elisabetta Làdavas,et al. Recovery of oculo-motor bias in neglect patients after prism adaptation , 2004, Neuropsychologia.
[23] Y. Rossetti,et al. Sensorimotor effects on central space representation: prism adaptation influences haptic and visual representations in normal subjects , 2004, Neuropsychologia.
[24] Sylvie Chokron,et al. The Role of Vision in Spatial Representation , 2004, Cortex.
[25] Jon Driver,et al. Spatial working memory capacity in unilateral neglect. , 2004, Brain : a journal of neurology.
[26] P. Bartolomeo,et al. Active versus passive proprioceptive straight-ahead pointing in normal subjects , 2004, Brain and Cognition.
[27] Laure Pisella,et al. The contribution of spatial remapping impairments to unilateral visual neglect , 2004, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
[28] J. Mattingley,et al. Effects of prismatic adaptation on judgements of spatial extent in peripersonal and extrapersonal space , 2003, Neuropsychologia.
[29] Y. Rossetti,et al. Simulating unilateral neglect in normals using prism adaptation: implications for theory , 2003, Neuropsychologia.
[30] S. Chokron. Right parietal lesions, unilateral spatial neglect, and the egocentric frame of reference , 2003, NeuroImage.
[31] T. Brandt,et al. Dominance for vestibular cortical function in the non-dominant hemisphere. , 2003, Cerebral cortex.
[32] A. Maravita,et al. Prism adaptation can improve contralesional tactile perception in neglect , 2003, Neurology.
[33] M. A. Goodale,et al. Eye movements tell only half the story , 2003, Neurology.
[34] Yves Rossetti,et al. Dissociated long lasting improvements of straight-ahead pointing and line bisection tasks in two hemineglect patients , 2002, Neuropsychologia.
[35] Y. Rossetti,et al. Ameliorating neglect with prism adaptation: visuo-manual and visuo-verbal measures , 2002, Neuropsychologia.
[36] A. Milner,et al. Prism Adaptation Improves Chronic Visual and Haptic Neglect: A Single Case Study , 2002, Cortex.
[37] Y. Rossetti,et al. Reducing spatial neglect by visual and other sensory manipulations: non-cognitive (physiological) routes to the rehabilitation of a cognitive disorder , 2002 .
[38] Sylvie Chokron,et al. Orienting of attention in left unilateral neglect , 2002, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
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[41] J. Driver,et al. Do neck-proprioceptive and caloric-vestibular stimulation influence covert visual attention in normals, as they influence visual neglect? , 2001, Neuropsychologia.
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