Computerized Decision-Guidance System for Management of the Trent River Multireservoir System

A computer simulation model has been implemented for a complex multireservoir system, composed of 44 reservoirs and 52 channels. The model is designed in modular form to forecast inflows, simulate operations and postprocess results. The simulation module runs either in planning mode, or in real-time operations mode. The system is managed by the Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW) component of Environment Canada, Canadian Parks Service, a federal authority responsible for inland waterways. The system of reservoirs and channels is represented by a network of arcs, and the operating policy is defined by a series of constraints imposed on reservoir levels and channel flows, any of which may be relaxed under critical conditions. The network flow solution is determined by a linear programming 'out-of-kilter' algorithm. The algorithm is an optimization technique that minimizes total system penalties, or costs, during each time step. For analysis of alternative operating policies, the model is used in planning mode. The model has been successfully used to assist the system managers in making operational decisions.