QUALICON: Computer-Based System for Construction Quality Management

This paper describes a computer-based system for construction quality management. The system tasks are derived from the elements of ISO 9001 standard and designed to integrate with other computer-aided project management functions. They can assist management in (1) the definition of requirements/criteria for design, construction, and quality management; (2) the development of inspection and test plans; (3) the tracking of actual inspection/test results; (4) the verification of their conformance to defined criteria; (5) the documentation of past experience in the form of standard templates for assisting the tasks involved; and (6) the generation of reports. A model was defined for representing the information used in the system tasks. The central role of the inspection and test plan representation was exploited to associate to construction components and processes, relevant inspections/tests, requirements/criteria, actual results, and nonconformance analyses. Templates were devised to enable the reuse of predefined packages of information, which recur from project to project. The developed system will render the assisted quality management tasks more effective. Its use was tested on data from different construction domains.