In the process of dentinal caries both the organic and the inorganic components of the tissue are ultimately destroyed and eliminated, with resulting cavitation. Since ultrastructural studies of dentin in various stages of decay should almost certainly contribute importantly to a better understanding of the carious process, an electron-microscopic survey of carious dentin was undertaken in our laboratories. A number of papers have already appeared dealing with electron-microscopic observations on both artificially demineralized and undecalcified carious dentin. The distribution of micro-organisms in the carious lesionl-5 and the presence of typical cross-striated collagenous fibrils in the matrix1' 2 have been described. Lenz6 found large calcified bodies in dentinal canals, but, to our knowledge, no detailed information concerning the mineral phase of carious dentinal matrix has been reported. This paper deals with soft carious dentin presumed to be in an advanced state of decay. The character and distribution of the mineral moiety (apatite crystallites) of carious dentinal matrix are described. Dense mineral deposits lacking a collagenous matrix are also reported at the periphery of the dentinal canals. Finally, the appearance of the collagenous fibrillar component of carious dentinal matrix is described as it appears in sections stained with phosphotungstic acid and in homogenized tissue. The implications of certain of these findings as they relate to the carious mechanism are discussed.
E. Johansen,et al.
Electron Microscopic Observations on the Three-Dimensional Morphology of Apatite Crystallites of Human Dentine and Bone'
The Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology.
A. S. Posner,et al.
Effect of calcium treatment on solubility and calcium uptake of synthetic hydroxyapatite and rat molar enamel.
Journal of the American Dental Association.
A. S. Posner,et al.
Apatites deficient in divalent cations
F. A. Smith,et al.
The Distribution of Fluoride in Human Enamel
Journal of dental research.
S. Takuma,et al.
Some considerations of the microstructure of dental tissues revealed by the electron microscope.
Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology.
W. Armstrong.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
R. Baker,et al.
Electron Microscopy of Carious Dentin
Journal of dental research.
J. Albright,et al.
Electron microscopy of carious enamel and dentine.
Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology.
J. F. Volker.
Effect of Fluorine on Solubility of Enamel and Dentin