Some aspects of the relationship between road safety and maintenance
The nature of the relationship between maintenance and safety is discussed. Maintenance is essential to providing safe conditions for road users, but maintenance activities themselves create safety problems, both for road users and for road workers. Short term works are associated with much higher risks than longer term works where a greater investment in planning and traffic control arrangements is warranted. Recent changes in approaches to legal liability for accidents at road works and their implications are discussed. Speed control is identified as a key problem, and personnel and rationalisation of practice are identified as key areas for action. The safety benefits of maintaining a high level of skid resistance where demand is high and of sealing unsealed shoulders are discussed. Although new line marking materials appear to offer better delineation at lower cost, changes in contractual arrangements will be necessary before their full potential can ve realised. Many improvements to practice will result in maintenance having to be carried out less frequently, reducing costs, providing a safer road environment and eliminating high risk situations associated with short-term works.