The study discussed in this paper examined the pedagogical content knowledge of prospective secondary mathematics teachers with respect to the content area of functions and graphs. The pedagogical content knowledge was examined through an analysis of the transformation of knowledge and beliefs about the content and the learner into instructional practices. It is proposed that the transformation takes place through developing explanations, planning lessons, simulating teaching, and reflecting on teaching. The study documented the subject matter knowledge, the pedagogical content knowledge, and the beliefs about learners and mathematics as this potential transformation was taking place. An assessment of 11 prospective secondary mathematics teachers based on 5 tasks was designed to present a composite view of their pedagogical content knowledge in the area of functions and graphs. The task discussed in this paper was an audiotaped interview of prospective teachers' responses to vignettes of students solving problems in this content area. This task provided the opportunity for the prospective teachers to construct explanations in response to students' misconceptions. This task is considered important because it serves as the link between those tasks which examine baseline data sources and those tasks which examine the transformation process. Vignettes of teaching functions and graphs are included. (Contains 30 references.) (LL) ************************************************************i-********** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. **************************************************************t********
Gaea Leinhardt,et al.
Functions, Graphs, and Graphing: Tasks, Learning, and Teaching
Zvia Markovits,et al.
Functions Today and Yesterday.
Thomas J. Cooney.
A Beginning Teacher's View of Problem Solving.
D. Ball.
Research on Teaching Mathematics: Making Subject Matter Knowledge Part of the Equation.
Shlomo Vinner.
Concept definition, concept image and the notion of function
L. Shulman.
Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching
Alan Bell,et al.
The Interpretation of Graphs Representing Situations.
T. P. Carpenter,et al.
Using Knowledge of Children’s Mathematics Thinking in Classroom Teaching: An Experimental Study
Claude Janvier.
The interpretation of complex cartesian graphs - studies and teaching experiments
G. S. Monk.
Students' Understanding of Functions in Calculus Courses.
Gaea Leinhardt,et al.
Subject-Matter Knowledge and Elementary Instruction: A Case from Functions and Graphing