Prototype Information Tree for Environmental Restoration Plan Formulation and Cost Estimation.

Abstract : Environmental restoration is the process of rehabilitating and repairing degraded ecosystems. As defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the purpose of environmental restoration is to "improve the condition of a disturbed ecosystem, including its plant and animal communities, or portions thereof, to some prior ecological condition" (USACE, 1994). Recent congressional authorities and policy developments have placed increased emphasis on USACE efforts directed toward environmental restoration. The USACE has determined that this will require improvements in the methods and techniques for developing and evaluating environmental restoration projects and programs. To help fill this need, the USACE initiated the "Evaluation of Environmental Investments Research Program" (EEIRP), which includes a variety of related research efforts. This report presents the results of one small part of the EEIRP aimed at developing an information base to support plan formulation and cost estimation for environmental restoration projects in aquatic ecosystems. Plan formulation refers to the development of alternative ways to accomplish project-specific restoration objectives. It focuses on the process by which project planners identify alternative restoration measures and techniques which could be undertaken to promote project goals at the project site.