Bringing Together Technology and Students: Examining the Use of Technology in a Project-Based Class

This case study was conducted at a New England public high school which experienced a recent technological and accompanying pedagogical revolution. The overall purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to describe how technology was utilized within a student centered project-based class, and 2) to examine student beliefs about their use of technology within this innovative environment. Seven students were selected and interviewed individually six times throughout the year. Verbatim transcripts were coded and interpreted so that emerging patterns of each students' conceptions could be identified and tracked over the entire school year. Findings from this study indicate that teachers and students held differing conceptions on what was valued in class in terms of learning. Students spent much more time and effort focusing on technology-related skills than exploring meaningful content. Content learning occurred best when students made use of focused essential questions that provided clear direction for their class projects to proceed.