Theory of Earth

The maturing of the Earth sciences has led to a fragmentation into subdisciplines which speak imperfectly to one another. Some of these subdisciplines are field geology, petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, geodesy and seismology, and these in turn are split into even finer units. The science has also expanded to include the planets and even the cosmos. The practitioners in each of these fields tend to view the Earth in a completely different way. Discoveries in one field diffuse only slowly into the consciousness of a specialist in another. In spite of the fact that there is only one Earth, there are probably more Theories of the Earth than there are of astronomy, particle physics or cell biology where there are uncountable samples of each object. Even where there is cross-talk among disciplines, it is usually as noisy as static. Too often, one discipline's unproven assumptions or dogmas are treated as firm boundary conditions for a theoretician in a slightly overlapping area. The data of each subdiscipline are usually consistent with a range of hypotheses. The possibilities can be narrowed considerably as more and more diverse data are brought to bear on a particular problem. The questions of origin, composition and evolution of the Earth require input from astronomy, cosmochemistry, meteoritics, planetology, geology, petrology, mineralogy, crystallography, materials science and seismology, at a minimum. To a student of the Earth, these are artificial divisions, however necessary they are to make progress on a given front. In Theory of the Earth I attempt to assemble the bits and pieces from a variety of disciplines which are relevant to an understanding of the Earth. Rocks and magmas are our most direct source of information about the interior, but they are biased toward the properties of the crust and shallow mantle. Seismology is our best source of information about the deep interior; however, the interpretation of seismic data for purposes other than purely structural requires input from solid-state physics and experimental petrology. Although this is not a book about seismology, it uses seismology in a variety of ways. The "Theory of the Earth" developed here differs in many respects from conventional views. Petrologists' models for the Earth's interior usually focus on the composition of mantle samples contained in basalts and kimberlites. The simplest hypothesis based on these samples is that the observed basalts and peridotites bear a complementary relation to one another, that peridotites are the source of basalts or the residue after their removal, and that the whole mantle is identical in composition to the inferred chemistry of the upper mantle and the basalt source region. The mantle is therefore homogeneous in composition, and thus all parts of the mantle eventually rise to the surface to provide basalts. Subducted slabs experience no barrier in falling through the mantle to the core-mantle boundary.

[1]  E. Grüneisen,et al.  Theorie des festen Zustandes einatomiger Elemente , 1912 .

[2]  F. Birch,et al.  Composition of the Earth's Mantle , 1937 .

[3]  M. Born Thermodynamics of Crystals and Melting , 1939 .

[4]  F. Birch,et al.  Handbook of physical constants , 1942 .

[5]  R. Fürth On the equation of state for solids , 1944, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[6]  C. Zener Elasticity and anelasticity of metals , 1948 .

[7]  F. Birch Elasticity and Constitution of the Earth's Interior , 1952 .

[8]  R. J. Uffen,et al.  The densities of compounds at high pressures and the state of the Earth's interior , 1954 .

[9]  C. Patterson,et al.  Age of meteorites and the earth , 1956 .

[10]  N. L. Bowen The evolution of the igneous rocks , 1956 .

[11]  W. P. Mason Physical Acoustics and the Properties of Solids , 1956 .

[12]  B. Gutenberg The ‘Boundary’ of the Earth's inner core , 1957 .

[13]  E. J. Öpik,et al.  Physics of the Earth's Interior , 1959 .

[14]  F. Birch The velocity of compressional waves in rocks to 10 kilobars: 1. , 1960 .

[15]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Elastic wave propagation in layered anisotropic media , 1961 .

[16]  R. Smoluchowski,et al.  Imperfections in crystals , 1961 .

[17]  D. L. Anderson Love wave dispersion in heterogeneous anisotropic media , 1962 .

[18]  G. Backus Long-Wave Elastic Anisotropy Produced by Horizontal Layering , 1962 .

[19]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  Mineralogical constitution of the deep mantle , 1962 .

[20]  J. A. Wood Chondrules and the Origin Of the Terrestrial Planets , 1962, Nature.

[21]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Computation of surface wave dispersion for multilayered anisotropic media , 1962 .

[22]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Generalized two‐dimensional model seismology with application to anisotropic Earth models , 1963 .

[23]  K. Popper,et al.  Conjectures and Refutations , 1963 .

[24]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  Mineral assemblages in a model mantle composition , 1963 .

[25]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  The Anelasticity of the Earth. , 1964, Science.

[26]  D. L. Anderson Universal dispersion tables 1. Love waves across oceans and continents on a spherical earth , 1964 .

[27]  W. Fyfe Geochemistry of solids , 1964 .

[28]  H. H. Hess,et al.  Seismic Anisotropy of the Uppermost Mantle under Oceans , 1964, Nature.

[29]  F. Birch Energetics of Core Formation , 1965 .

[30]  G. Backus Possible forms of seismic anisotropy of the uppermost mantle under oceans , 1965 .

[31]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Upper mantle structure of western North America from apparent velocities of P waves , 1965 .

[32]  P. A. Egelstaff,et al.  Tensors in Mechanics and Elasticity , 1965, Nature.

[33]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Recent evidence concerning the structure and composition of the Earth's mantle , 1965 .

[34]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Attenuation of seismic energy in the upper mantle , 1965 .

[35]  G. R. Cowan,et al.  Shock compression of two iron‐silicon alloys to 2.7 megabars , 1966 .

[36]  A. Ringwood Mineralogy of the Mantle , 1966 .

[37]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Phase velocities of long‐period surface waves and structure of the upper mantle: 1. Great‐Circle Love and Rayleigh wave data , 1966 .

[38]  D. L. Anderson Earth's Viscosity , 1966, Science.

[39]  A. Ringwood The chemical composition and origin of the Earth , 1966 .

[40]  S. Clark,et al.  Handbook of physical constants , 1966 .

[41]  Naohiro Soga,et al.  Elastic constants of garnet under pressure and temperature , 1967 .

[42]  J. Larimer Chemical fractionations in meteorites—I. Condensation of the elements , 1967 .

[43]  D. L. Anderson A Seismic Equation of State , 1967 .


[45]  Lane R. Johnson,et al.  Array measurements of P velocities in the upper mantle , 1967 .

[46]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  The genesis of basaltic magmas , 1967 .

[47]  D. L. Anderson Latest Information from Seismic Observations , 1967 .

[48]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Phase Changes in the Upper Mantle , 1967, Science.

[49]  H. S. Yoder,et al.  Formation and fractionation of basic magmas at high pressures , 1967, Scottish Journal of Geology.

[50]  Naohiro Soga,et al.  Some elastic constant data on minerals relevant to geophysics , 1968 .


[52]  M. O'hara The bearing of phase equilibria studies in synthetic and natural systems on the origin and evolution of basic and ultrabasic rocks , 1968 .

[53]  D. Jones,et al.  Geological and Geophysical Implications of Paleomagnetic Results from Africa , 1968 .

[54]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Shock‐wave equations of state for rocks and minerals , 1968 .

[55]  F. Birch,et al.  Thermal expansion at high pressures , 1968 .

[56]  Jens Lothe John Price Hirth,et al.  Theory of Dislocations , 1968 .

[57]  N. Christensen,et al.  Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle , 1968 .

[58]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Bulk modulus‐density systematics , 1969 .

[59]  Z. Chang,et al.  Pressure dependence of the elastic constants of single-crystalline magnesium oxide , 1969 .

[60]  Mineo Kumazawa,et al.  The elastic constants of single-crystal orthopyroxene , 1969 .

[61]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Equations of State and Crystal Structures of High-Pressure Phases of Shocked Silicates and Oxides , 1969 .

[62]  T. Francis,et al.  Anisotropy of the Pacific upper mantle , 1969 .

[63]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  The early thermal history of the earth , 1969 .

[64]  K. Turekian,et al.  Inhomogeneous accumulation of the earth from the primitive solar nebula. , 1969 .

[65]  G. R. Barsch,et al.  Elastic constants of single‐crystal forsterite as a function of temperature and pressure , 1969 .

[66]  Murli H. Manghnani,et al.  Elastic constants of single‐crystal rutile under pressures to 7.5 kilobars , 1969 .

[67]  J. B. Walsh New analysis of attenuation in partially melted rock , 1969 .

[68]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Shear Velocities and Elastic Parameters of the Mantle , 1969 .

[69]  Mineo Kumazawa,et al.  Elastic moduli, pressure derivatives, and temperature derivatives of single‐crystal olivine and single‐crystal forsterite , 1969 .

[70]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Partial melting in the upper mantle , 1970 .

[71]  E. A. Flinn,et al.  Seismic Waves reflected from the Earth's Inner Core , 1970, Nature.

[72]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The composition of the lower mantle , 1970 .

[73]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Reflection of P′P′ seismic waves from discontinuities in the mantle , 1970 .

[74]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Velocity‐density relations , 1970 .

[75]  G. Simmons,et al.  An empirical relationship between thermal conductivity and Debye temperature for silicates , 1970 .

[76]  D. B. Clarke Tertiary basalts of Baffin Bay: Possible primary magma from the Mantle , 1970 .

[77]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Physical mechanisms of seismic‐wave attenuation , 1970 .

[78]  H. Spetzler,et al.  Equation of State of Polycrystalline and Single‐Crystal MgO to 8 Kilobars and 800°K , 1970 .

[79]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Application of isotropic finite strain theory to ultrasonic and seismological data , 1970 .

[80]  N. Carter,et al.  Syntectonic Recrystallization of Olivine and Modes of Flow in the Upper Mantle , 1970 .

[81]  D. Heymann,et al.  Noble gases in carbonaceous chondrites , 1970 .

[82]  K. Horai,et al.  Thermal conductivity of rock‐forming minerals , 1971 .


[84]  I. Macgregor,et al.  Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Eclogites from Kimberlites , 1971, Science.

[85]  G. Shor,et al.  Mantle anisotropy in the Pacific Ocean , 1971 .

[86]  P. Molnar,et al.  Distribution of stresses in the descending lithosphere from a global survey of focal‐mechanism solutions of mantle earthquakes , 1971 .

[87]  W. J. Morgan,et al.  Convection Plumes in the Lower Mantle , 1971, Nature.

[88]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  Synthesis of majorite and other high pressure garnets and perovskites , 1971 .

[89]  Equation of State of Solids. , 1971 .

[90]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Revised shock‐wave equations of state for high‐pressure phases of rocks and minerals , 1971 .

[91]  R. Brett The earth's core: Speculations on its chemical equilibrium with the mantle , 1971 .

[92]  D. Green Composition of Basaltic Magmas as Indicators of Conditions of Origin: Application to Oceanic Volcanism , 1971 .

[93]  JOHN S. Lewis Consequences of the presence of sulfur in the core of the earth , 1971 .

[94]  D. Anderson,et al.  Composition and evolution of the mantle and core. , 1971, Science.

[95]  Herbert F. Wang,et al.  Single Crystal Elastic Constants and Calculated Aggregate Properties. A Handbook , 1971 .

[96]  F. Donald Bloss,et al.  Crystallography And Crystal Chemistry , 1971 .

[97]  V. Safronov Accumulation of the Planets , 1972 .

[98]  L. Grossman Condensation in the primitive solar nebula , 1972 .

[99]  W. Brace,et al.  Laboratory Observations of High-Temperature Rheology of Rocks , 1972 .

[100]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Formation of the Earth's Core , 1972, Nature.

[101]  D. L. Anderson Internal constitution of Mars. , 1972 .

[102]  A. L. Frisillo,et al.  Measurement of single‐crystal elastic constants of bronzite as a function of pressure and temperature , 1972 .

[103]  H. Takeuchi,et al.  Seismic Surface Waves , 1972 .

[104]  B. S. Berry,et al.  Anelastic Relaxation in Crystalline Solids , 1972 .

[105]  E. Levy Kinematic reversal schemes for the geomagnetic dipole. , 1972 .

[106]  D. Wallace,et al.  Thermodynamics of Crystals , 1972 .

[107]  W. J. Morgan,et al.  Plate Motions and Deep Mantle Convection , 1972 .

[108]  D. L. Anderson The composition and origin of the moon. , 1973 .

[109]  M. O'hara Non-Primary Magmas and Dubious Mantle Plume beneath Iceland , 1973, Nature.

[110]  Z. Chang,et al.  Pressure dependence of single‐crystal elastic constants and anharmonic properties of spinel , 1973 .

[111]  S. GArrNEY Effect of Low-Spin Fe on the Composition of the Lower Mantle , 1973 .

[112]  L. Fuchs,et al.  Mineralogy, mineral-chemistry, and composition of the Murchison (C2) meteorite , 1973 .

[113]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Earthquake Prediction: Variation of Seismic Velocities before the San Francisco Earthquake , 1973, Science.

[114]  M. F. Ashby,et al.  On the rheology of the upper mantle , 1973 .

[115]  F. Boudier,et al.  Mechanisms of flow in naturally and experimentally deformed peridotites , 1973 .

[116]  J. Verhoogen Thermal regime of the Earth's core , 1973 .

[117]  D. Kohlstedt,et al.  Laboratory study of dislocation climb and diffusion in olivine , 1973 .

[118]  D. L. Anderson Removal of a constraint on the composition of the lunar interior , 1973 .

[119]  F. A. Dahlen,et al.  The azimuthal dependence of Love and Rayleigh wave propagation in a slightly anisotropic medium , 1973 .

[120]  A. Toomre On the 'Nearly Diurnal Wobble' of the Earth , 1974 .


[122]  G. Thompson,et al.  Atlantic ocean floor: Geochemistry and petrology of basalts from legs 2 and 3 of the Deep‐Sea Drilling Project , 1974 .

[123]  A. Nicolas,et al.  Velocity anisotropy in a mantle peridotite from the Ivrea Zone: Application to upper mantle anisotropy , 1974 .

[124]  L. Grossman,et al.  Early chemical history of the solar system , 1974 .

[125]  D. F. Strong,et al.  The petrogenesis of komatiites and related rocks as evidence for a layered upper mantle , 1974 .

[126]  D. Gubbins Theories of the geomagnetic and solar dynamos , 1974 .

[127]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The effect of oriented cracks on seismic velocities , 1974 .

[128]  D. Kohlstedt,et al.  Low-stress high-temperature creep in olivine single crystals , 1974 .

[129]  R. Liebermann,et al.  Elastic and thermal properties of fluoride and oxide analogues in the rocksalt, fluorite, rutile and perovskite structures , 1974 .

[130]  T. Jordan,et al.  Earth structure from free oscillations and travel times: Geophys , 1974 .

[131]  E. Anders,et al.  Bulk compositions of the moon and earth, estimated from meteorites , 1974 .

[132]  Donald W. Forsyth The Early Structural Evolution and Anisotropy of the Oceanic Upper Mantle , 1975 .

[133]  T. Jordan The continental tectosphere , 1975 .

[134]  J. A. Jacobs The Earth's Core , 1975 .

[135]  T. Fitch,et al.  Compressional velocity in source regions of deep earthquakes: An application of the master earthquake technique , 1975 .

[136]  T. Usselman Experimental approach to the state of the core; Part I, The liquidus relations of the Fe-rich portion of the Fe-Ni-S system from 30 to 100 kb , 1975 .

[137]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  A study of lateral inhomogeneities in the upper mantle by multiple Scs travel‐time residuals , 1975 .

[138]  Adam M. Dziewonski,et al.  Homogeneity and Constitution of the Earth's Lower Mantle and Outer Core , 1975 .

[139]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Interpretation of velocity profiles of the mantle , 1975 .

[140]  D. E. Smylie,et al.  Can Precession Power the Geomagnetic Dynamo , 1975 .

[141]  T. Jordan,et al.  Crustal and upper mantle structure from Sp phases , 1975 .

[142]  P. Vogt Changes in geomagnetic reversal frequency at times of tectonic change: Evidence for coupling between core and upper mantle processes , 1975 .

[143]  J. Schilling,et al.  Mantle Plume Mixing Along the Reykjanes Ridge Axis: Lead Isotopic Evidence , 1975, Science.

[144]  A. Ringwood Composition and petrology of the earth's mantle , 1975 .

[145]  M. O'hara,et al.  Garnet-peridotite, primary ultrabasic magma and eclogite; Interpretation of upper mantle processes in kimberlite , 1975 .

[146]  Amos Nur,et al.  Melt squirt in the asthenosphere , 1975 .

[147]  D. L. Anderson Chemical plumes in the mantle , 1975 .

[148]  P. Lipman,et al.  Late Cenozoic Basaltic Volcanism and Development of the Rio Grande Depression in the Southern Rocky Mountains , 1975 .

[149]  Lateral heterogeneity of the upper mantle determined from the travel times of multiple ScS , 1975 .

[150]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  An Earth Model based on free oscillations and body waves , 1976 .

[151]  N. Carter Steady state flow of rocks , 1976 .

[152]  H. S. Yoder Generation of basaltic magma , 1976 .

[153]  J. Gill Composition and age of Lau Basin and Ridge volcanic rocks: Implications for evolution of an interarc basin and remnant arc , 1976 .

[154]  S. Solomon The relationship between crustal tectonics and internal evolution in the moon and Mercury , 1977 .

[155]  A. Nicolas,et al.  Crystalline plasticity and solid state flow in metamorphic rocks , 1976 .

[156]  J. Watt,et al.  The Elastic Properties of Composite Materials , 1976 .

[157]  G. A. Thompson,et al.  Numerical and approximate solutions for lithospheric thickening and thinning , 1976 .

[158]  S. Weidenschilling Accretion of the terrestrial planets. II , 1976 .

[159]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Velocity dispersion due to anelasticity; implications for seismology and mantle composition , 1976 .

[160]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  A dynamic model for mare basalt petrogenesis , 1976 .

[161]  M. Randall Attenuative dispersion and frequency shifts of the earth's free oscillations , 1976 .

[162]  A. Beus,et al.  Geochemistry Of The Lithosphere , 1976 .

[163]  Brian F. Windley,et al.  early history of the Earth , 1976 .

[164]  R. Pankhurst,et al.  Nature and Development of Basalt Magma Sources Beneath Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge , 1976 .

[165]  G. Dreibus,et al.  Lithium as a correlated element, its condensation behaviour, and its use to estimate the bulk composition of the moon and the eucrite parent body , 1976 .

[166]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Composition of the Mantle and Core , 1977 .

[167]  H. W. Menard,et al.  Dependence of depth anomalies upon latitude and plate motion , 1977 .

[168]  Lin‐gun Liu The system enstatite-pyrope at high pressures and temperatures and the mineralogy of the earth's mantle , 1977 .

[169]  H. Wänke,et al.  On the chemistry of lunar samples and achondrites. Primary matter in the lunar highlands: a re-evaluation. , 1977 .

[170]  E. K. Graham,et al.  Elastic properties of oxides in the NaCl-structure , 1977 .

[171]  D. Gubbins Energetics of the Earth's core. , 1977 .

[172]  Frank D. Stacey,et al.  Applications of thermodynamics to fundamental earth physics , 1977 .

[173]  G. Wetherill Accretion of the Terrestrial Planets , 1977 .


[175]  J. Kramers Lead and strontium isotopes in Cretaceous kimberlites and mantle-derived xenoliths from Southern Africa , 1977 .

[176]  E. K. Graham,et al.  The pressure and temperature dependence of the elastic constants of pyrope garnet , 1977 .

[177]  R. S. Hart,et al.  The Earth as a Seismic Absorption Band , 1977, Science.

[178]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The effect of attenuation on gross earth models , 1977 .

[179]  K. Fuchs Seismic anisotropy of the subcrustal lithosphere as evidence for dynamical processes in the upper mantle , 1977 .

[180]  John C. Smith,et al.  Viscosity‐depth profile of the Earth's mantle: Effects of polymorphic phase transitions , 1977 .

[181]  Frank D. Stacey,et al.  A thermal model of the earth , 1977 .

[182]  D. Bamford Pn velocity anisotropy in a continental upper mantle , 1977 .

[183]  Inversion of P-wave velocity anisotropy , 1977 .

[184]  K. Aoki,et al.  The major element composition of the upper mantle estimated from the composition of lherzolites , 1977 .

[185]  W. M. Kaula,et al.  Basaltic volcanism on the terrestrial planets. , 1977 .

[186]  B. Parsons,et al.  An analysis of the variation of ocean floor bathymetry and heat flow with age , 1977 .

[187]  S. T. Crough Isostatic rebound and power-law flow in the asthenosphere , 1977 .

[188]  Manik Talwani,et al.  Island arcs, deep sea trenches, and back-arc basins , 1977 .

[189]  S. Runcorn Composition and petrology of the Earth's mantle, A. E. Ringwood McGrawHill Book Company (UK) Ltd, $22.15 , 1977 .

[190]  T. Owen,et al.  Mars and Earth: Origin and Abundance of Volatiles , 1977, Science.

[191]  G. MacDonald Composition and petrology of the earth's mantle , 1977 .

[192]  Osamu Nishizawa,et al.  Temperature variation of elastic constants of single-crystal forsterite between -190.DEG. and 400.DEG.C. , 1977 .


[194]  Bruce G. Bills,et al.  Mars topography harmonics and geophysical implications , 1978 .

[195]  L. Sykes Intraplate seismicity, reactivation of preexisting zones of weakness, alkaline magmatism, and other tectonism postdating continental fragmentation , 1978 .

[196]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Core formation, evolution, and convection - A geophysical model , 1980 .

[197]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Equation of state fits to the lower mantle and outer core , 1978 .

[198]  D. Turcotte,et al.  On isostatic geoid anomalies , 1978 .

[199]  C. Thurber,et al.  Martian lithospheric thickness from elastic flexure theory , 1978 .

[200]  M. Ashby,et al.  Micromechanisms of flow and fracture, and their relevance to the rheology of the upper mantle , 1978, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[201]  S. T. Crough Thermal origin of mid‐plate hot‐spot swells , 1978 .

[202]  Bernard Budiansky,et al.  Measures of dissipation in viscoelastic media , 1978 .

[203]  D. Green,et al.  Integrated Models of Basalt Petrogenesis: A Study of Quartz Tholeiites to Olivine Melilitites from South Eastern Australia Utilizing Geochemical and Experimental Petrological Data , 1978 .

[204]  C. Goetze The mechanisms of creep in olivine , 1978, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[205]  R. S. Hart,et al.  Q of the Earth , 1978 .

[206]  S. Jacobsen,et al.  The Mean Age of Mantle and Crustal Reservoirs for the Planet Mars , 1979 .

[207]  J. Rosenfeld,et al.  Diamond: Depth of Crystallization Inferred from Compressed Included Garnet , 1979, The Journal of Geology.

[208]  G. Wasserburg,et al.  Neodymium isotopes in flood basalts from the Siberian Platform and inferences about their mantle sources. , 1979, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[209]  B. Mitchell,et al.  Regionalized shear velocity models of the Pacific upper mantle from observed Love and Rayleigh wave dispersion , 1979 .

[210]  A. Navrotsky,et al.  Calorimetric study of the stability of high pressure phases in the systems CoOSiO2 and “FeO”SiO2, and calculation of phase diagrams in MOSiO2 systems , 1979 .

[211]  Frank D. Stacey,et al.  A thermodynamically based equation of state for the lower mantle , 1979 .

[212]  Equations of state of iron sulfide and constraints on the sulfur content of the Earth , 1979 .

[213]  Alfred Edward Ringwood,et al.  Origin of the Earth and Moon , 1979 .

[214]  C. G. Chase Subduction, the geoid, and lower mantle convection , 1979, Nature.

[215]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Long-wave elastic anisotropy in transversely isotropic media , 1979 .

[216]  S. T. Crough Geoid anomalies across fracture zones and the thickness of the lithosphere , 1979 .


[218]  L. Jones,et al.  Pressure and temperature dependence of the single crystal elastic moduli of the cubic perovskite KMgF3 , 1979 .

[219]  B. Hager,et al.  Kinematic models of large‐scale flow in the Earth's mantle , 1979 .

[220]  D. Elthon High magnesia liquids as the parental magma for ocean floor basalts , 1979, Nature.

[221]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Chemical stratification of the mantle , 1979 .

[222]  J. Pollack,et al.  Implications of the Gas Compositional Measurements of Pioneer Venus for the Origin of Planetary Atmospheres , 1979, Science.

[223]  G. Dreibus,et al.  On the Chemical Composition of the Moon and the Eucrite Parent Body and a Comparison with the Composition of the Earth; the Case of mn, cr, and V , 1979 .

[224]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The frequency dependence of Q in the Earth and implications for mantle rheology and Chandler wobble , 1979 .

[225]  J. Dymond,et al.  Preferential formation of the atmosphere–sialic crust system from the upper mantle , 1979, Nature.

[226]  Paul H. Warren,et al.  The origin of KREEP , 1979 .

[227]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The upper mantle transition region - Eclogite , 1979 .

[228]  H. Berckhemer High-temperature anelasticity and elasticity of mantle peridotite — Reply , 1979 .

[229]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  The deep structure of continents , 1979 .

[230]  Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle , 1979 .

[231]  J. Dawson Kimberlites and Their Xenoliths , 1980 .

[232]  M. Darot,et al.  High-temperature anelasticity and elasticity of mantle peridotite — Comments , 1980 .

[233]  L. Civetta,et al.  Sr isotopic composition of Afar volcanics and its implication for mantle evolution , 1980 .

[234]  C. Frohlich,et al.  A regional study of mantle velocity variations beneath eastern Australia and the southwestern Pacific using short-period recordings of P, S, PcP, ScP and ScS waves produced by Tongan deep earthquakes , 1980 .

[235]  Donald L. Turcotte,et al.  On the thermal evolution of the earth , 1980 .

[236]  V. Murthy,et al.  A Nd isotopic study of the Kerguelen Islands - Inferences on enriched oceanic mantle sources , 1980 .

[237]  D. Green,et al.  Anhydrous melting of peridotite at 0–15 Kb pressure and the genesis of tholeiitic basalts , 1980 .

[238]  M. Menzies,et al.  Enriched mantle: Nd and Sr isotopes in diopsides from kimberlite nodules , 1980, Nature.

[239]  S. Taylor,et al.  Th and U in sedimentary rocks: crustal evolution and sedimentary recycling , 1980, Nature.

[240]  D. L. Anderson Tectonics and composition of Venus , 1980 .

[241]  The Earth: Its origin, structure and evolution: M.W. McElhinny (editor). Academic Press, London, 1979, £ 36.00, US $ 83.00 , 1980 .

[242]  H. Taylor The effects of assimilation of country rocks by magmas on 18O/16O and 87Sr/86Sr systematics in igneous rocks , 1980 .

[243]  D. L. Anderson Plate tectonics on Venus , 1980 .

[244]  J W Morgan,et al.  Chemical composition of Earth, Venus, and Mercury. , 1980, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[245]  R. Hardy,et al.  Temperature and pressure dependence of intrinsic anharmonic and quantum corrections to the equation of state , 1980 .

[246]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Dislocations and Nonelastic Processes in the Mantle , 1980 .

[247]  M. Menzies,et al.  Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry of hydrous mantle nodules and their host alkali basalts: implications for local heterogeneities in metasomatically veined mantle , 1980 .

[248]  C. Jaupart,et al.  The heat flow through oceanic and continental crust and the heat loss of the Earth , 1980 .

[249]  B. Mitchell,et al.  Surface wave dispersion, regionalized velocity models, and anisotropy of the Pacific crust and upper mantle , 1980 .

[250]  D. L. Anderson,et al.  Preliminary reference earth model , 1981 .

[251]  D. Jurdy True polar wander , 1981 .

[252]  C. Frohlich,et al.  The P velocity within the Tonga Benioff Zone determined from traced rays and observations , 1981 .

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