Surfactant-Derived Proteins as Markers of Alveolar Membrane Damage in Heart Failure

Background In heart failure (HF) alveolar-capillary membrane is abnormal. Surfactant-derived proteins (SPs) and plasma receptor for advanced-glycation-end-products (RAGE) have been proposed as lung damage markers. Methods Eighty-nine chronic HF and 17 healthy subjects were evaluated by echocardiography, blood parameters, carbon monoxide lung diffusion (DLCO) and cardiopulmonary exercise test. We measured immature SP-B, mature SP-B, SP-A, SP-D and RAGE plasma levels. Results Immature SP-B (arbitrary units), mature SP-A (ng/ml) and SP-D (ng/ml), but not mature SP-B (ng/ml) and RAGE (pg/ml) levels, were higher in HF than in controls [immature SP-B: 15.6 (13.1, 75th–25th interquartile range) Vs. 11.1 (6.4), p<0.01; SP-A, 29.6 (20.1) Vs. 18.3 (13.5), p = 0.01; SP-D: 125 (90) Vs. 78 (58), p<0.01]. Immature SP-B, SP-A, SP-D and RAGE values were related to DLCO, peak oxygen consumption, ventilatory efficiency, and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), whereas plasma mature SP-B was not. The DLCO Vs. immature SP-B correlation was the strongest one. At multivariate analysis, RAGE was associated to age and creatinine, SP-A to DLCO and BNP, SP-D to BNP, mature SP-B to DLCO and creatinine, and immature SP-B only but strongly to DLCO. Conclusions Immature SP-B is the most reliable biological marker of alveolar-capillary membrane function in HF.

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