The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors Spatial Patterns of CO Vehicular Pollutant in Macao Peninsula

This paper describes a new approach to assess high-resolution Carbon Dioxide (CO) distribution for the peninsula of Macao Special Administrative Region (S.A.R.). Firstly, two widely used vehicular pollution models, namely Danish Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) and United States intersection vehicular pollution model (CAL3QHC), were applied to evaluate the roadside CO concentration from vehicular emission. It was found that the OSPM was more suitable in this region. Therefore, the OSPM was adopted to simulate such pollutants in front of each building block in the Macao peninsula. Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to run all model cases and store the model results automatically. The spatial pattern of CO distribution in all the main streets of Macao peninsula was found and the influence of traffic loading was shown by a spatial comparison of the CO concentration and traffic loading.