Massively parallel computers have enabled the analyst to solve complicated flow fields (turbulent, chemically reacting) that were previously intractable. Calculations are presented using a massively parallel CFD code called SACCARA (Sandia Advanced Code for Compressible Aerothermodynamics Research and Analysis) currently under development at Sandia National Laboratories as part of the Department of Energy (DOE) Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI). Computations were made on a generic reentry vehicle in a hypersonic flowfield utilizing three different distributed parallel computers to assess the parallel efficiency of the code with increasing numbers of processors. The parallel efficiencies for the SACCARA code will be presented for cases using 1, 150, 100 and 500 processors. Computations were also made on a subsonic/transonic vehicle using both 236 and 521 processors on a grid containing approximately 14.7 million grid points. Ongoing and future plans to implement a parallel overset grid capability and couple SACCARA with other mechanics codes in a massively parallel environment are discussed.
D. W. Barnette.
A user`s guide for BREAKUP: A computer code for parallelizing the overset grid approach
J. Steger,et al.
Flux vector splitting of the inviscid gasdynamic equations with application to finite-difference methods
Donald L. Potter,et al.
Coupled Fluid/Thermal Prediction of Ablating Hypersonic Vehicles
D.K. Gartling,et al.
COYOTE: a finite-element computer program for nonlinear heat-conduction problems
S. Imlay,et al.
An efficient implicit method for solving viscous multi-stream nozzle/afterbody flow fields
Jeffrey L. Payne,et al.
Implementation of a parallel algorithm for thermo-chemical nonequilibrium flow simulations