Effect of a metal electrode on the radiation tolerance of a SiC neutron detector

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has developed a silicon carbide (SiC) diode as a neutron detector that can be used in harsh environments such as nuclear reactor cores and spent fuel. The radiation tolerance of the SiC detector was studied in the present work. Especially, the effect of a metal electrode on the radiation tolerance of the SiC detector was studied. Four different types of SiC detectors were fabricated, and the operation properties of the detectors were measured and compared before and after neutron irradiations of 2.16 × 1015 n/cm2 and 5.40 × 1017 n/cm2. From the comparison, the detector with a Ti/Au electrode structure showed the highest radiation tolerance among detectors. A detector assembly was fabricated using two types of SiC p-i-n diode detectors: one containing 6LiF and the other without it. Signals from the detectors were measured in the current mode to minimize the noise of the detector. Signal currents from detectors were measured for neutron fluxes ranging from 5.54 × 106 n/cm2 s to 2.86 × 108 n/cm2 s and gamma doses up to 100 Gy/h.