Use of monoclonal antibodies to detect human placental alkaline phosphatase.

Convenient, sensitive, and specific solid-phase immunoassays involving monoclonal antibody are described for the determination of human placental alkaline phosphatase (hPLAP). An endogenous enzyme immunoassay combined the specificity of the immunological and the enzymatic reactions. Alternatively, a solid-phase "sandwich" radioimmunoassay involving immobilized polyclonal rabbit anti-hPLAP in combination with iodinated monoclonal antibody provided some additional advantages. Both tests can be used to detect hPLAP from various sources, e.g., in human sera during pregnancy or as a tumor marker. The radioimmunoassay detected an increase in hPLAP at nine weeks of gestation. We discuss the use of monoclonal antibodies for the differentiation of different alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme types by electrophoresis on starch gel.