Biological parameters of the nymphal stage of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: lxodidae) in rabbits In an attempt to obtain more information on the parameters of the nymphal phase of Amblyomma cajennense, 28 infestations were conducted with 1 to 12 day nymphs in 20 rabbits of both sexes and uniform white or black calor. Non-parasitic phase was followed under controlled laboratory conditions (27°C temperatura, 70% relative air humidity, and 12 hr photophase exposition). 21,182 neonymphs were used, out of which 11,319 metanymphs were collected, which accounted for and infestation efficiency of 53.44%. The period of nymphal ingurgitation ranged from 3 to 5 days, with a higher number of nymphs taking 5 days to complete ingurgitation. The time lapsed between metanymph loosening and completion of the ecdisis nymph/adult ranged from 13 to 14 days, with an average of 13.43 ± 0.50 days. This period was not influenced neither by sex nor by hair colar of rabbit used for nymphal ingurgitation. Out of the total of collected metanymphs, 95% TabelaValores da ecdise relacionada ao sexo e a cor da pelagem de coelhos utilizados para ingurgitamento, em infestacoes experimentais com ninfas de Amblyomma cajennense Coelho (sexo e No de No de Idade da ninfa Periodo entre desprendimento da cor da pelagem infestacoes coelhos infestante metaninfa e termino da ecdise (dias) (dias) x ± DP Limites (inferiorsuperior) Macho branco 4 2 3a5 13,50 ± 0,58 (13-14) Macho preto 9 7 2a9 13,33 ± 0,50 (13-14) Femea branca 10 7 1 a 12 13,50 ± 0,53 (13-14) Femea preta 5 4 2a6 13,40 ± .0,55 (13-14) x = media; DP = desvio padrao. had complete ecdisis, being obtained approximately 10,700 young adults, male and female, on a 1:1 rate.
G. Uilenberg.
Acquisitions nouvelles dans la connaissance du rôle vecteur de tiques du genre Amblyomma (Ixodidae).
N. M. S. Freire.
Epidemiologia de Amblyomma cajennense: ocorrencia estacional e comportamento dos estadios nao-parasitarios em pastagens do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
R. O. Drummond,et al.
Oviposition of the Cayenne Tick, Amblyomma cajennense (F.), in the Laboratory
M. Smith.
Some aspects of the ecology and lifecycle of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius 1787) in Trinidad and their influence on tick control measures.
Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology.
W. Neitz,et al.
Laboratory investigations on the life-cycle of the Karoo paralysis tick (Ixodes rubicundus Neumann, 1904).
The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research.