Parâmetros biológicos do estágio ninfal de Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: lxodidae) em coelhos Biological parameters of the nymphal stage of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: lxodidae) in rabbits

Biological parameters of the nymphal stage of Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: lxodidae) in rabbits In an attempt to obtain more information on the parameters of the nymphal phase of Amblyomma cajennense, 28 infestations were conducted with 1 to 12 day nymphs in 20 rabbits of both sexes and uniform white or black calor. Non-parasitic phase was followed under controlled laboratory conditions (27°C temperatura, 70% relative air humidity, and 12 hr photophase exposition). 21,182 neonymphs were used, out of which 11,319 metanymphs were collected, which accounted for and infestation efficiency of 53.44%. The period of nymphal ingurgitation ranged from 3 to 5 days, with a higher number of nymphs taking 5 days to complete ingurgitation. The time lapsed between metanymph loosening and completion of the ecdisis nymph/adult ranged from 13 to 14 days, with an average of 13.43 ± 0.50 days. This period was not influenced neither by sex nor by hair colar of rabbit used for nymphal ingurgitation. Out of the total of collected metanymphs, 95% TabelaValores da ecdise relacionada ao sexo e a cor da pelagem de coelhos utilizados para ingurgitamento, em infestacoes experimentais com ninfas de Amblyomma cajennense Coelho (sexo e No de No de Idade da ninfa Periodo entre desprendimento da cor da pelagem infestacoes coelhos infestante metaninfa e termino da ecdise (dias) (dias) x ± DP Limites (inferiorsuperior) Macho branco 4 2 3a5 13,50 ± 0,58 (13-14) Macho preto 9 7 2a9 13,33 ± 0,50 (13-14) Femea branca 10 7 1 a 12 13,50 ± 0,53 (13-14) Femea preta 5 4 2a6 13,40 ± .0,55 (13-14) x = media; DP = desvio padrao. had complete ecdisis, being obtained approximately 10,700 young adults, male and female, on a 1:1 rate.