Book Review: Power distribution engineering: fundamentals and applications: J. J. BURKE

Power distribution engineering: fundamentals and applications: J. J. BURKE (Marcel Dekker, 1994, 356 pp., $125.00) The engineering of electrical distribution systems has a special place in power system engineering. Where transmission engineers tend to be specialized and theoretical, distribution engineers are all round and practical. Not that the basic principles of distribution systems are different from those in transmission systems, but they are simply applied in a more practical manner. James Burke attempts to fill what he calls 'the gap between reference data books and good academic textbooks', He probably means: between distribution practice and transmission theory. I don't think he succeeds in this, but I also don't think this is necessary. In my impression James Burke simply came up with a good overview of common practice in American public distribution systems. The theory part is clearly underdeveloped in this book which might be a common distribution practice as well (i.e. it is my theoretical, academic and transmission background that caused this impression). No matter what his intention was, he gives us a lot of insight in practical problems (and solutions) in power systems. I certainly learned a lot from reading this book. The following subjects are discussed: