Diurnal distribution of the physical temperature at Sinus Iridum area retrieved from observations of CE-1 microwave radiometer
Based on the incidence and azimuth angles of solar illumination during observations by Chinese Chang'E-1 lunar satellite, the brightness temperature ( T b ) observed by CE-1 multi-channel radiometers, especially at the Sinus Iridum (i.e. Bay of Rainbow) area, are collected at different lunar local time from the transformation between the principal coordinates and local coordinates at the observation point. It shows the T b distribution and its diurnal variation. Based on the radiative transfer modeling of three-layer lunar media, the CE-1 T b data at 19 and 37 GHz channels are used to invert the physical temperatures of both the dust layer and the regolith layer at Sinus Iridum area, which might be the CE-3 landing site, at different lunar local time. The physical temperature variations with the lunar local time and other geophysical parameters of lunar layered media are discussed.