Evaluation of an image-based talking head with realistic facial expression and head motion

In this paper, we present an image-based talking head system that is able to synthesize flexible head motion and realistic facial expression accompanying speech, given arbitrary text input and control tags. The goal of facial animation synthesis is to generate lip synchronized and natural animations. The talking head is evaluated objectively and subjectively.The objective measurement is to measure lip synchronization by matching the closures between the synthesized sequences and the real ones, since human viewers are very sensitive to closures, and get the closures at the right time may be the most important objective criterion for providing the impression that lips and sound are synchronized.In subjective tests, facial expression is evaluated by scoring the real and synthesized videos. Head movement is evaluated by scoring the animation with flexible head motion and the animation with repeated head motion. Experimental results show that the proposed objective measurement of lip closure is one of the most significant criteria for subjective evaluation of animations. The animated facial expressions are indistinguishable from real ones subjectively. Furthermore, talking heads with flexible head motion is more realistic and lifelike than the ones with repeated head motion.

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