Physical purity of forage seeds in Brazil Pureza física de sementes forrageiras no Brasil

This study aimed to evaluate the physical quality, identify and quantify the contaminants of seeds of forage species in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was created a data collection with the results obtained from samples of seeds lots collected by the State Inspection Program, from the Input Inspection Division of the State Department of Vegetal Defense, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Batches of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) seeds (national), black oat (Avena strigosa), oat (Avena sativa) and Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense) Pers.) commercialized in Santa Catarina among the years 2013 to 2015 presented nonconformities to the presence of other seeds in relation to the Brazilian regulation. Within the lots of forage seeds commercialized in Santa Catarina, only lots of pearl millet (Setaria italica) and ryegrass seeds (imported) presented number of other seeds below the legal limit, staying within the commercialization standards, independent of the analyzed year.