Ancient history and the antiquarian : essays in memory of Arnaldo Momigliano

Ancient history and the antiquarian revisited - some thoughts on reading Momigliano's "Classical Foundations", T.J. Cornell tradition and technique in historical chronology, Anthony Grafton naissance d'un aspect de la recherche antiquaire, les premiers travaux sur les lois romaines - de "l'Epistula ad Cornelium" de Filelfo a "l'Historia iuris ciuilis" d'Aymar du Rivail, Jean-Louis Ferrary Claude de Seyssel, A.C. Dionisotti from philosophy to history - ancient historiography between humanism and Enlightenment, C.R, Ligotta William Camden's "Britannia" - history and historiography, Christine Kunst legal historians and Roman "Agrimensores" in the first half of the 19th century, L. Capogrossi Colognesi.