Optical Flow Co-occurrence Matrices: A novel spatiotemporal feature descriptor

Suitable feature representation is essential for performing video analysis and understanding in applications within the smart surveillance domain. In this paper, we propose a novel spatiotemporal feature descriptor based on co-occurrence matrices computed from the optical flow magnitude and orientation. Our method, called Optical Flow Co-occurrence Matrices (OFCM), extracts a robust set of measures known as Haralick features to describe the flow patterns by measuring meaningful properties such as contrast, entropy and homogeneity of co-occurrence matrices to capture local space-time characteristics of the motion through the neighboring optical flow magnitude and orientation. We evaluate the proposed method on the action recognition problem by applying a visual recognition pipeline involving bag of local spatiotemporal features and SVM classification. The experimental results, carried on three well-known datasets (KTH, UCF Sports and HMDB51), demonstrate that OFCM outperforms the results achieved by several widely employed spatiotemporal feature descriptors such as HOF, HOG3D and MBH, indicating its suitability to be used as video representation.

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