Notes on the geochemistry of antimony

Abstract The meteoritic abundance of antimony, based on chondrites, is about 0.1 p.p.m. The metal phase of chondrites contains 0.5 p.p.m. Sb. Antimony shows no decided preference for silicic or subsilicic rocks. The amount in igneous rocks (and in the upper lithosphere) is estimated as 0.1–0.2 p.p.m. Shales are variable in antimony, ranging from ~0.1 p.p.m. to several parts per million; the average may be 1 to 2 p.p.m. Limestone and sandstone normally contain less antimony than shales. Bauxite and phosphate rock may contain as much antimony as the richest shales. Oceanic red clay (Pacific) contains ~1 p.p.m. Sb, globigerina ooze a few tenths of a part per million. A rough estimate of the weight ratio Sb/As in the upper lithosphere is 0.1, not significantly different, when the experimental error is considered, from the value 0.05 for meteorites. Because of the low concentrations of antimony in igneous rocks and meteorites and the inadequate sensitivity of the photometric method, the abundance values for these must be looked upon as tentative.