Nonlinear Ocean Waves and the Inverse Scattering Transform

For more than 200 years, the Fourier Transform has been one of the most important mathematical tools for understanding the dynamics of linear wave trains. "Nonlinear Ocean Waves and the Inverse Scattering Transform" presents the development of the nonlinear Fourier analysis of measured space and time series, which can be found in a wide variety of physical settings including surface water waves, internal waves, and equatorial Rossby waves. This revolutionary development will allow hyperfast numerical modelling of nonlinear waves, greatly advancing our understanding of oceanic surface and internal waves. Nonlinear Fourier analysis is based upon a generalization of linear Fourier analysis referred to as the inverse scattering transform, the fundamental building block of which is a generalized Fourier series called the Riemann theta function. Elucidating the art and science of implementing these functions in the context of physical and time series analysis is the goal of this book. It presents techniques and methods of the inverse scattering transform for data analysis. Geared toward both the introductory and advanced reader venturing further into mathematical and numerical analysis, this book is suitable for classroom teaching as well as research.

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