RTM preform permeability identification by an iterative inverse technique

a traditional procedure using a mold with a transparent upper half. can perform the measurement of the flow fiont arrival times ten times faster than both by a fast mathematical model and by a new sensor - based set - up which software in order to obtain an accurate result. The rapid identification is assured unknown input parameter) and the conditions that have to be imposed on the inverse technique. The paper presents the permeability tensor calculation (the and the computed parameters is used as convergence criteria in tie iterative the estimation of model parameters. The comparison between the experimental software. The method belongs to the category of inverse methods, which allows for composite materials has been implemented m a user - tiendly computer of the fibre reinforcement permeability in the Resin Transfer Moulding process considered nowadays as being standardised. A new method for tie identification permeability measurement requires a laborious procedure, which cannot be input data - m this case the permeability of tie preform. However, the aspect for the design of a high - performance composite part and needs accurate The simulation of the resin flow through a porous medium is a very important