Common presentation of amebic liver abscess - a study in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh.

Amebic liver abscess is a tropical disease. It is not uncommon in Bangladesh. Given the often nonspecific nature of complains related to amebic liver abscess, this study was carried out to identify the most common presentation. This hospital based cross sectional study was carried out in 30 cases of amebic liver abscess in the Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Comilla Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. Clinical and laboratory informations were recorded including symptoms, signs, location and number of abscess. Among 30 patients, 27 were male (90%) and 3 female (10%), mean age of male and female were 42±11 and 52±8 respectively. Common clinical symptoms were fever (93%) and abdominal pain (93%). Common signs were right upper quadrant tenderness (60%), hepatomegaly (67%). Most of the patient had single abscess (80%) and location of abscess was predominantly in the right lobe (77%). Radiological abnormality on x-ray chest was present in 30% cases. Common clinical presentation of amebic liver abscess patients were fever and right upper abdominal pain. Duration of symptoms was more than two weeks in most cases.