The color of the diamond is dependent on the difference in the refractive indexes by wavelength, so we developed a dispersion rendering system using wavelength division [Maki et al. 2014]. Although various rainbow-like colors can be reproduced in the stone by this technique, another technology is necessary to reproduce the brilliance of a diamond, which is caused by the ray entered from outside that reflects and refracts many times on the surface. We introduced the extend fractional view (EFV) integral photography (IP)[Yanaka 2008], which is considered to be a display method of four-dimensional light field [Levoy et al. 1996, Gortler et al. 1996 ]. We developed an IP system reproducing a three-dimensional image that changes color depending on the direction an observer looks at in about 30 degrees of the primary viewing zone. [Maki et al. 2015] However, the observer cannot choose the direction of looking at a diamond beyond the viewing zone. To remove this limitation, we developed a more sophisticated system in which the viewer can look at the diamond from any direction they like, by naturally rotating it with his/her hand.
Kazuhisa Yanaka,et al.
Simple wavelength division rendering method for transparent objects using common 3DCG software
Kazuhisa Yanaka,et al.
Display of diamond dispersion using wavelength-division rendering and integral photography
Kazuhisa Yanaka,et al.
Integral photography using hexagonal fly's eye lens and fractional view
Electronic Imaging.
Richard Szeliski,et al.
The lumigraph
Marc Levoy,et al.
Light field rendering