This Data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Association rule mining discovers correlations between different item sets in a transaction database. The proposed methodology is implemented in Apriori algorithm. The given string data is applied with apriori algorithm and the memory efficiency is calculated to get the output measures. The same string data are assigned with numerical values and the apriori algorithm is applied on the numerical data. Based on the numerical values to get the measures. Comparisons are made based on the Execution time and memory efficiency in finding frequent patterns. The performance is analysed based on the different no of instances and confidence in mushroom data set. Keywords—Association Rule mining, Apriori algorithm, Numerical data analysis .
M. Anandhavalli,et al.
Association Rule Mining in Genomics
Geoffrey I. Webb.
Efficient search for association rules
KDD '00.
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro,et al.
Discovery, Analysis, and Presentation of Strong Rules
Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
Douglas Trewartha.
Investigating Data Mining in MATLAB ®
B. G. Kodge,et al.
Role of Association Rule Mining in Numerical Data Analysis
Dimitrios Gunopulos,et al.
Constraint-Based Rule Mining in Large, Dense Databases
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.