Mass transfer to rotating cones

The mass transfer of oxygen to a rotating cone has been measured in a quiescent fluid. Cones with vertex angles of 19.2°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 180° (disks) were used in both laminar and turbulent flow at a Schmidt number of 400. The laminar flow mass transfer data is in agreement with an equation derived for cones at high Schmidt numbers. The turbulent flow mass transfer data for cones with vertex angles greater than 19.2° is in agreement with the high Schmidt number expression of Deissler. The 19.2° cone angle, however, results in experimental values for the mass transfer which are greater than the predicted values. Lastly, the values of the Reynolds number for transition from laminar to turbulent flow, as determined directly from the mass transfer data, are in agreement with previous results.