철도환경에서 전자파 간섭 측정 및 전자파 적합성 설비구축에 대한 연구

Harmonic voltage and current are generated by switching operation of auxiliary power supply equipment, propulsion control equipment and air compressor driver on Rolling stock. During running rolling stock, Generated harmonic from rolling stock need restrain below set level given rise to malfunction of electric and signal wayside equipment because frequent acceleration and deceleration was increased in flowing harmonic current on the railroad. In this paper, radiated emission level were measured from running rolling stock. Background noise was measured by continuously varied time and climatic conditions of test site on EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)emission level which resulted from electromagnetic environment around test site. Bleeding edge railroad environment from now, EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility) facilities be being built in KRRI(Korea Railroad Research Institute) introduce to estimate level EMC on the electric/electronic equipment of every kind.