Analysis of energy saving schedule and electricity market

Open, justice & equity, the primary schedule mode of electric power system in China, has stimulated the development of electric power industry. However, it can't meet the low carbon and low sulfur dioxide producing demand for sustainable economy development. Energy saving schedule and electricity market already turn into the option of electricity schedule mode reformation. This paper introduced the principal, business flow, technical support system and key technology, which required for technical support system implementation, of energy saving schedule and electricity market, and compared the similarity and difference between the two main schedule modes. Detail analysis of energy saving schedule and electricity market indicate that the two main schedule modes had close relationship and never contradict each other. Energy saving schedule and electricity market all had similar operation mechanism, technical support requirements and key technology. Energy saving and pollution emission reducing are still the most important aims of electricity market. Compared with electricity market, energy saving schedule could achieve the same effect energy saving and pollution reducing aim in a shorter period, but it need comprehensive assorted mechanism to support the transition from existing schedule mode, and depressed the participation enthusiasm of power providers. However, electricity market could implement the smooth translation from existing schedule mode, and could spirit up the enthusiasm of market participants. But electricity market will cost longer period to achieve the same energy saving and pollution reducing effect compared with energy saving schedule. Analysis indicate that they all have the core function of security constrained schedule optimization, which only different in optimization objection, and have the similar requirement of technical support platform, which composed of similar function. As their technical support platform have same function component and key technology, theory research and technical support system development for one schedule mode can apply to another schedule mode conveniently.