A Spatially Integrated Numerical Model of Inlet Hydraulics.
Abstract : This report discusses the development of a simple numerical model for the prediction of coastal inlet velocities, discharge, and resulting bay level fluctuations. The model is a time-marching model that simultaneously solves the area-averaged momentum equation for the inlet and the continuity equation for the bay. It is assumed that the bay surface elevation remains horizontal as it rises and falls. At each time step the geometric and hydraulic factors describing the inlet-bay system are calculated by evaluating flow conditions throughout the inlet and by spatially integrating this information to determine coefficients of the first-order differential equations. This model, which includes the important terms in the equation of motion, is flexible, easy and inexpensive to use, and gives a good estimate of the inlet-bay system hydraulics for various conditions. The model can be used for single or multiple inlets, bays, and seas. This report includes the model theory and derivation, a FORTRAN computer program for solving the model equations, and instructions for use of the program. Examples are given to illustrate how the model may be used to predict coastal inlet response to astronomical tides, seiching, tsunamis, and storm surges. (Author)