Refining genetic associations in multiple sclerosis

Genome-wide association studies involve several hundred thousand markers and, even when quality control is scrupulous, are invariably confounded by residual uncorrected errors that can falsely inflate the apparent difference between cases and controls (so-called genomic inflation). As a consequence such studies inevitably generate false positives alongside genuine associations. By use of Bayesian logic and empirical data, the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium suggested that association studies in complex disease should involve at least 2000 cases and 2000 controls, at which level they predicted that p values of less than 5×10 −7 would more commonly signify true positives than false positives.

Hanne F. Harbo | Margaret A. Pericak-Vance | Stephen L. Hauser | Pablo Villoslada | Finn Sellebjerg | Xavier Montalban | Jan Hillert | Bertrand Fontaine | Florian Holsboer | Bertram Müller-Myhsok | Leena Peltonen | Francesco Cucca | Manuel Comabella | Frank Weber | Marie-Claude Babron | Janna Saarela | Maria Ban | Ingrid Kockum | Tomas Olsson | Stephen Sawcer | John D. Rioux | David R. Booth | Gillian Ingram | David A. Hafler | C. M. van Duijn | J. L. Haines | F. Clerget-Darpoux | Graeme Stewart | Lisa F. Barcellos | M. J. Daly | Daniela Galimberti | M. Salvetti | M. Daly | L. Peltonen | J. Haines | M. Pericak-Vance | J. Rioux | M. Ban | A. Goris | S. Sawcer | A. Compston | C. Duijn | F. Holsboer | X. Montalban | G. Stewart | D. Booth | A. Palotie | D. Hafler | H. Harbo | E. Celius | D. Galimberti | B. Müller-Myhsok | M. Babron | F. Cucca | F. Clerget-Darpoux | F. Guerini | T. Olsson | I. Kockum | P. Villoslada | F. Weber | H. Søndergaard | A. Oturai | S. Hauser | P. Jager | L. Barcellos | K. Vandenbroeck | M. Salvetti | M. Comabella | G. Ingram | P. Rieckmann | R. Hintzen | Virpi Leppa | J. McCauley | J. Saarela | J. Hillert | B. Fontaine | S. Hawkins | S. D'alfonso | A. Spurkland | C. Hawkins | L. Bergamaschi | I. Cournu-Rebeix | R. Dobosi | B. Dubois | R. Heard | Å. Lorentzen | T. Mihalova | P. Naldi | F. Sellebjerg | D. Sexton | A. Ivinson | N. Robertson | Koen Vandenbroeck | M. Marrosu | Rogier Q. Hintzen | Peter Rieckmann | Clive Hawkins | C. Graham | Jacob L. McCauley | Franca R. Guerini | Helle Bach Søndergaard | Elisabeth G. Celius | Bénédicte Dubois | An Goris | Paola Naldi | Anne Spurkland | Maria Giovanna Marrosu | Stanley Hawkins | A. Palotie | Amie Walton | Alistair Compston | P. L. De Jager | Virpi Leppa | L. Bergamaschi | Robert Heard | Rita Dobosi | A Oturai | I. Cournu-Rebeix | Antje Kroner | Colin M. Graham | S D'Alfonso | Åslaug R. Lorentzen | Tania Mihalova | Neil Robertson | A Ivinson | J. Hoksenberg | David M. H. Sexton | A. Kroner | A. Walton | J. Hoksenberg | J. Haines

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