Inadequate dietary intakes among pregnant women.
Eating behaviours were assessed among pregnant women in a mid-sized Canadian city.
As part of the Prenatal Health Project, we interviewed 2313 pregnant women in London, Ontario. Subjects also completed a food frequency questionnaire. Recruitment took place in ultrasound clinics at 10 to 22 weeks of gestation. The main outcome measures were number of daily servings for each food group, measured against the minimum number recommended by the 2007 Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide (CFG), the proportion of women consuming the recommended number of servings for each and all of the four food groups, and factors associated with adequate consumption. We also determined the number of servings of "other foods." Analysis included descriptive statistics and logistic regression, all at p<0.05.
A total of 3.5% of women consumed the recommended number of servings for all four food groups; 15.3% did not consume the minimum number of servings of foods for any of the four food groups. Women for whom this was their first pregnancy were less likely to consume the recommended number of servings from all four food groups (odds ratio=0.41; confidence interval=0.23, 0.74).
Very few pregnant women consumed food group servings consistent with the 2007 recommendations. Strategies to improve dietary behaviours must focus on the establishment of healthy eating behaviours among women of reproductive age.