Waste minimization case histories at three US Air Force Air Training Command bases
Waste minimization audits are being carried out at three US Air Force Air Training Command bases: Randolph Air Force Base (AFB) near San Antonio, Texas; Lowry AFB near Denver, Colorado; and Keesler AFB near Biloxi, Mississippi. These audits include detailed surveys of base operations and processes, detailed analytical reports that contain recommendations for waste minimization actions, guidelines to allow bases to maintain and change their own waste minimization programs, and training programs for base personnel. The operations and processes are described in detail, as are the recommendations for waste minimization actions. The cost savings and efficiency increases associated with each recommended action are discussed. The cost savings identified vary in amount from base to base, depending on base size and mission; and range from $42,000 to $644,000 per year. The annualized Return on Investment for the audits varies between 0.4 and 6.4, making them an extremely attractive investment for the sponsoring agency. Payback period for recommended waste minimization options varies from immediate to 10 years, the average being less than 1 year. The institutional factors affecting the success of waste minimization programs are discussed, especially the need for involvement of supply and logistics functions. 2 refs., 3 tabs.