Agile Scheduling and Control for Industrial Product-service Systems

Abstract An Industrial Product-Service System (IPS 2 ) is characterized by a high integration of product and service shares. This implies that the providing company develops an IPS 2 consisting of product share, e.g. a highly complex precision machine tool, and service share to increase customer value, strengthen the relationship between customer and provider and finally generate profit. However, providing an IPS 2 involves a high degree of organizational effort. The operation of an IPS 2 includes the detection of service demands, strategic and operative scheduling of processes and resources, coordination of service and supply network partners and the monitored delivery of service processes. In this paper, an IPS 2 Control Architecture for the operation phase is proposed. Then, the function and application area of two software systems, the IPS 2 -Execution System and the IPS 2 -Control System, are described and their interaction within the proposed architecture is outlined. Furthermore, the detailed interaction process is illustrated in an application scenario in order to demonstrate the advantages and necessity of both systems and their interdependency. Also, an outlook on further research is given.