Applying Experts Methods in the Selection Procedures of Foresight Development Programs

Foresight method is gaining support around the world as a powerful tool that creates common views on future development strategies. It is characterized by a unique feature, which is the maximum participation of stakeholders and experts. The paper presents examples of the results of research carried out based upon the expert methods of foresight procedures. Special attention was paid to different methods of identification and involvement of experts in implementing the projects. The methodology of foresight projects was brought closer, with particular emphasis on those methods which are based on expert knowledge - such as the Delphi technique, panel discussion, brainstorming, STEEP and SWOT analysis methods, public consultation and the scenarios formulation. The result of foresight exploration based on knowledge of experts is the formation of a wide vision of the future development of economy and technology, which helps to make decisions on an effective, long-term strategy of the government, enterprises and scientific institutions.