Section on hospital medicine leadership and staff.

Many of you know Jenn as a passionate member and chair of the SOHM executive committee. Her initial role on the EC was as newsletter editor although she never saw it as that. For her, it was always a journal waiting to take form. She expertly and tirelessly obtained funding, assembled an editorial staff, solicited and edited articles, and made the SOHM news-journal the fi nest section publication in the AAP. Her next step was convincing the AAP to support a full-fl edged peer-reviewed medical journal. Her dedication and effort fi nally paid off with the creation of Hospital Pediatrics, now indexed in Medline and a must read for every pediatric hospitalist. She was a marvelous section chair with a great respect for the larger AAP, but also the tenacity to expand PHM’s role and voice within the AAP. As the PHM conference planning committee chair she championed community hospital topics and the addition of conundrums. Her passion extended to her day jobs. She built programs in Chicago, connected with Northwestern, where she trained, and back home in San Francisco at California Pacifi c Medical Center.